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More on Biologix.List priceCharacteristic1. Available for vapor and liquid phase2. Available fo..
More on Biologix.Price on requestLarge capacity and low energy consumption, Liquid level monito..
2in, 81-well, cardboard, Assorted color outer coating, matte coating, 30 pcsTemperatures from -196°C..
ClearLine® Cryotube, external thread with natural screw capDescription : Screw-cap cryotubes for the..
ClearLine® Cryotube, internal thread with natural screw capDescription : Screw-cap cryotubes for the..
Polystyrene containers for short-term nitrogen preservation...
The CryoCooler is a valuable tool that helps to preserve the integrity of frozen vials of cultured c..
The Cryogenic Workstation II™ is a second generation product designed to hold two cryogenic racks at..
An improvement on the traditional mortar and pestle, the CryoGrinder retains the strength and durabi..
Vials with Pre-Set 2D Barcode have been fit in the 100 wells PC boxes* Scanner-ready design for Cryo..
Until stocks last!Vials with Pre-Set 2D Barcode have been fit in the 100 wells PC boxes* Scanner-rea..
Private Cloud/Private Server -Storage Space Setting, Sample Management,Approval Setting, Alarm ..
Public Cloud -Storage Space Setting, Sample Management,Approval Setting, Alarm Setting ..
* Designed for 0.5ml CryoKing cryogenic vials *Scanner-ready design for CryoKing 2D barco..
*Scanner-ready design for CryoKing 2D barcode scanner and compatible with all other cryobox scanners..