Amersham and Typhoon Gel and Blot Imagers

Amersham Typhoon biomolecular imagers are GE’s next generation of Typhoon FLA laser scanners. Amersham Typhoon imaging systems offer resolution as low as 10µm, detection limit as low as 3 pg, and linear dynamic range with greater than 5 orders of magnitude. Labeled proteins and nucleic acids can be precisely quantitated in gels, blots, microplates, culture dishes, and tissue sections. Amersham Typhoon IP (phosphor imaging) is dedicated to filmless autoradiography. Typhoon RGB has IP capability and adds visible fluorescence imaging and densitometry. Our most versatile model, Typhoon 5, adds two near-infrared (NIR) lasers to the functionalities in the RGB system. Amersham Typhoon NIR Plus and NIR are the models focused on fluorescent Weestern applications. Typhoon NIR Plus has 2 NIR lasers and a green laser to provide options for normalization. Typhoon NIR has 2 NIR lasers for standard NIR applications.

Amersham Imager 600 series combines GE Healthcare Western blotting expertise with optimized charge-coupled device (CCD) technology and exceptional optics from Fujifilm™. The system comes in four fully upgradable configurations based on equipped combinations of light sources and filters. Amersham Imager 600 series brings high-performance imaging to chemiluminescence, fluorescence, colorimetric, and densitometric applications.

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