• Circulating DNA/RNA, 50 prep

Circulating DNA/RNA, 50 prep

  • 32 679,00Kč

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Circulating DNA/RNA

FACFK Circulating Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit

FavorPrep Circulating Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit is designed for rapid and efficient purification of circulating cell-free nucleic acids. The system utilizes silica column with column extender to purify cell-free nucleic acids; the effective sample volume is 1 ml to 5 ml. The optimized buffers are developed to permit efficient recovery (<1000 bps in DNA; <1000 nts in RNA) of cell-free nucleic acids. The recovered nucleic acids are suitable for a wide range of down-stream applications, such as bisulfite sequencing, NGS and qPCR.

Format/Principle: Mini spin column (silica matrix)

Sample Size: 1~5 ml human plasma or serum

Operation Time: 30~60 mins

Minimum Elution Volume: 40 µl

Column Applicability: Vacuum and centrifugation


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